with Chris Cruise

Chris Martin Gives Fan Ride To His Show!

Chris Martin may be one of the kindest rock stars on the planet!

Saundra Glenn was on her way to Coldplay’s concert on Sunday in Luton, England. She has arthritis and had stopped to rest.

That’s when Martin saw her struggling, stopped his car, and offered to give her a ride!

She posted about the experience on X.

How cool is that?

Glenn told the BBC that on the way to the show, “I was clutching his shoulder and having a chat like two old women.”

Once they arrived at the concert venue, Martin also arranged for a golf cart to help Glenn get to her seat.

Glenn said the entire experience was something she’ll never forget. “I met Chris Martin and had a conversation with him and he’s such a nice man! He gave me an act of kindness that I’ll forever be grateful for, and he’s given Luton its cool back, thank you.”

Here’s one of the songs Coldplay performed at the show, Radio 1’s Big Weekend 2024.


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