with Chris Cruise

Adele Wants To Take a Big Break

Better see Adele while you can!

The singer has 10 shows left in her Weekends with Adele residency in Las Vegas. She will wrap up those shows on November 23. She will also play a series of concerts in Munich, Germany in August.

Beyond that, she has absolutely no plans.

Adele told Germany’s ZDF that “don’t have any plans for new music at all.” She added, “I want a big break after this and I think I want to do other creative things, just for a little while.”

She said her run of 100 live shows over the past couple of years have left her feeling that her “tank is quite empty.”

She has taken breaks from music in the past. She released her debut album 19 in 2008, 21 in 2011, 25 in 2015, and 30 in 2021.

In December, Adele told The Hollywood Reporter that “I have nothing to say yet. I haven’t even thought about it… I have to wait for a feeling. If I get antsy, that’s when I know I have to go to the studio, and I am the opposite of antsy right now.”


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