with Chris Cruise


Let’s be honest.  Chris Cruise doesn’t love writing bios about himself.  But he DOES like writing about his dog, Marky.  So we let him do just that.

Marky is the world’s best corgi; he has a fluffy butt and loves to wag his tail to all his Dad’s Throwbacks.  He’s also been known to let some gas fly while his Dad is on the radio, or on an important call for work.  Oops.

Marky also loves when Dad plays N’Sync, Britney Spears, Fall Out Boy, and Nelly every weekend.  That REALLY makes him wag his tail.  And fart too.

It would make Marky the happiest GOODBOI in the whole wide world if you would call or text his Dad on Throwback 2K with your favorite song from the early 2000s at 855-760-2222.  And, please don’t ask for “Who Let The Dogs Out” too much – Marky already has.

Hang with Marky’s Dad every weekend and watch for his social media for great content about life, Throwbacks, Guitars, Video Games, and Corgi Butts.  Mostly Corgi Butts.